Saturday, July 19, 2008

Who am I?

(part 2)

What do I feel about myself?

A very unanswerable question for me. Well, of course I can answer it. But not the real answer that I want to say. Instead, I'll just be saying that I'm totally fine. Gosh.

I just hate answering this!

But if I'm going to answer this question, then I'll answer it this way. :)

"I don't like to shed my tears especially in front of my friends and family"

Basically, I'm not that emotional. I don't show my feelings or express my feelings directly. What I mean is that, whenever there are emotional situations, I keep my heart tight and hard. As much as possible, I don't like to shed my tears especially in front of my friends and family. I like crying alone in my room with a pillow as a shock absorber.

In terms of life, I am more matured compared to my peers. Maybe one of the reason for being like this is experience. I think I have more experience than them in terms of problems and survivals that's why I think maturely. Also, since I was a kid, I know what life is. I know the odds and evens, the ups and downs and how to cope up with it. (I'm really a feeler!)

I can't say that I'm contented in life nor can I say that I hate life. Well, maybe moderately contented but as much as possible I do my best to fulfill my dreams and goals in life. I don't care if my classmates and friends have new laptops and other gadgets. All I care is that as long as I'm fine and contented with what I have and as long as I have no major problem, I'll be fine.

(to be continued)

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